Wednesday 23 March 2011

What we did today

Today we worked on getting together the special effects for the soundtrack.
We also started making an opening logo for our fictional company as our extract is the opening scene.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

What we did today

We editing the first half of the extract - the part in the club.
We added effects such as radial blur, to make it look as if she's been drugged.
We also added echo to the music to again, make it sound like she's been drugged.
We had trouble with making one clip look as if it is shaking, but we sorted that out.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Plan for Wed 16/3/11

I think that today we should do a prop list, shot list and rough script for Friday's filming. The prop list should consists of thing we need to bring individually, that includes things we may have to buy so that it's fair.

Friday 11 March 2011

Examples of horror/thriller films

Theatrical Poster
'28 Days Later' (Boyle, 2002, UK) is a british zombie horror film that depicts the end of civilisation as we know it after an outbreak of a highly contagious virus that evokes 'rage' in the victim. It is a fight for survival as a group head across England in search of a survivors camp ran by soldiers, but get much more than they bargain for...


 'Resident Evil' (Anderson, 2002, US) is an american film that is very similar in story to '28 Days Later', a highly contagious virus breaks out in an underground facility and it's down to the protagonist and her team to contain the outbreak.

Thriller Conventions

Thriller films are created to evoke very deep emotions in the viewer, primarily the feeling of being manipulated and tormented, much like the main character of the film would be by the antagonist. The antagonists role in a thriller film is vital, because without it, it just couldn't be a thriller. The protagonist is often made to feel alone, controlled and quite often paranoid. A perfect example of this is in the film 'Death Proof; where the antagonist follows his victims around quite obviously, making them feel uneasy, but his character is very different when they talk to him to how he is portrayed to the victims. He creates the feeling of tension, and makes you uneasy because his character appears to be so unpredictable.

Antagonists also are often sociopaths, quite clearly too. For example, in One Hour Photo, the antagonist 'Sy' is only looking for a family who will love him, whereas in reality he is stalking an innocent family and clearly terrorising them to the point where anything could happen.

Horror films and thriller films are two quite different genres. However, when they are put together they can create quite a cocktail of different feeling in the viewer (Terror, Desolation, Paranoia)

Script [2nd Draft]

[Black screen, music, fades into house party. A crowd of young people dancing]

[Chelsey dancing with a drink in her hand] {close up}

[Chelsey puts her drink down on the table and goes to talk to her friend]

Chelsey: Hey! Where've you been, I haven't seen you in ages?!

[Voices in background. See man walk past the table and look at Chelsey] {over the shoulder}

[Chelsey goes back to get her drink] {close up}

[Chelsey dancing with drink in hand] {wide shot}

[Chelsey drinks her drink] {close up}

[People dancing gradually start to blur] {wide shot}

[Chelsey looks back at drink, noticing something is wrong with it] {close up}

[Chelsey tries to stumble out of room] {wide shot}

[Chelsey falls to the floor, people laugh] {high angle shot}

Boy 1: [Laughs] Look at her, she's hammered!

Girl 1: Typical Chelsey!
Boy 2: I'll get her home...


[Chelsey still passed out in new room] {wide shot}

[Chelsey wakes up, confused] {mid shot}

[Chelsey looks around] {close up}

[Chelsey gets up, walking around room] {wide angle}

Chelsey: Help! [Pause] Is there anyone there?! [Pause] Someone?!

[Door slams open, man standing in doorway] {wide angle}

[Shot of knife in man's hand] {close up}

[Man steps into room, door slams shut] {mid shot}

[Chelsey steps back, terrorfied. Cowering in the corner] {mid shot}

[From other side of the door, hand slams on window and Chelsey screams (or banging against door)] {mid shot}

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Movie Poster

Script - 1st draft

[Black screen, music, fades into house party (costume?). Crowd of young people dancing]

[Chelsey dancing with a drink in her hand] {close up}

[Chelsey puts her drink down on the table and goes to talk to her friend]

Chelsey: Hey, I haven't seen you in ages!

[Voices in background. See man walk past the table and look at Chelsey] {over the shoulder}

[Chelsey goes back to get her drink] {close up}

[Chelsey dancing with drink in hand] {wide shot}

[Chelsey drinks her drink] {close up}

[People dancing gradually start to blur] {wide shot}

[Chelsey looks back at drink, noticing something is in it] {close up}

[Chelsey tries to stumble out of room] {wide shot}

[Chelsey falls to the floor, people laugh] {high angle shot}

Boy 1: Ha, she's so drunk

Girl 1: Typical Chelsey!

Boy 2: I'll get her home....

[Chelsey still passed out in new room] {wide shot}

[Chelsey wakes up, confused] {mid shot}

[Chelsey looks around] {close up}

[Chelsey gets up, walking around room] {wide angle}

Chelsey: Help! Is anyone out there!

[Door slams open, man standing in doorway] {wide angle}

[Shot of knife in man's hand] {close up}

[Man steps into room, door slams shut] {mid shot}

[Chelsey steps back, terrefied] {mid shot}

[Chelsey cowers in the corner] {mid shot}

[From other side of the door, hand slams on window and Chelsey screams (or banging against door)] {mid shot}

Thursday 3 March 2011

Similar films

The film 'Taken' is similar to our idea for the film sequence.

Taken was made in 2008, and directed by Pierre Morel, is about a young girl who goes on holiday with her friend, and gets abducted by a man. Her father, who is an former spy, sets out to find his daughter.
The similarities between this film and our film is about the young girl being abducted, and also a slight similarity between the names, Taken and Trapped, both one word, snappy titles.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

150 Plot Summary

The sequence starts off with a group of 'young people' in a party/club, having a good time. The main character, Chelsey, is working off the sadness from a recent break-up by drowning her sorrows. However, things soon take a turn for the worst when one of her drinks is spiked, and she led away by a mysterious captor. She soon wakes up to find herself locked in a cellar, at the mercy of her captor.

Prop list

Costumes - Clubbing, mask(?)
Fake blood
Drink glasses

House (Party)